
NLLG Careers | Current Openings

Thank you for your interest NLLG Careers is the Official Job Opportunity Site for NLLG. in NLLG. We are growing at a rapid pace and always looking for smart, talented, and hard working people. We place a high value on work ethic at NLLG and we are dedicated to taking care of our valued clients. Our team of legal professionals enjoy a positive and energetic culture in our offices.  We embrace diversity and our clients benefit from the diverse backgrounds that each team member brings to the table. If you find an open position that seems like a good fit for you, please send us your resume!

Please CLICK HERE to see current openings at our Oklahoma City Headquarters.

Representing Clients in Civil and Commercial Litigation Matters Throughout the U.S.

National Litigation Law Group, LLP - Corporate Office
2401 Northwest Twenty-Third Street, Suite 42, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73107
Tel: 405.835.6250, Fax: 405.835.6244, Toll-Free: 844.NATL.LIT (628.5548)